How Do I Know if I Have a Hormone Imbalance?

woman suffering from pain in bedroom. You know you’re not feeling quite right, physically or mentally, but you aren’t sure why. You are happy and feeling fine one minute and the next minute not so much, and there doesn’t seem to be a reason for it – but it could be that you have a hormone imbalance.

What are the signs of a hormone problem?

Hormones can be sneaky things, and if you are having mental or physical issues, a problem with hormones may be the last thing you’d suspect. Here are some signs that you may have a hormone imbalance:

  • You have changes in weight. You may see some weight gain (which can happen because estrogen levels drop, which increases your appetite) or weight loss (if your thyroid gland isn’t making the right amount of hormones). You should see your doctor if you notice changes in weight, especially if you’ve lost 10 or more pounds when you didn’t mean to.
  • You have problems sleeping. You need the right amount of progesterone and estrogen to get a good night’s sleep and to avoid hot flashes and night sweats.
  • Your period is irregular. If your periods have come on time like clockwork throughout your life but suddenly they aren’t as dependable, if may be a hormone imbalance.
  • You often feel “foggy.” If you are having trouble thinking as clearly as you used to, it could be because of your hormones.
  • You are tired all the time. Fatigue is a very common symptom of a hormone imbalance.
  • You have night sweats. Night sweats are caused by low estrogen, and they typically start at the beginning of menopause.
  • You have mood swings. Estrogen and other hormones can affect brain chemicals and cause mood swings and depression.
  • You have thinning hair. Hair loss and thinning hair can be caused by a fluctuation in hormones, and you might notice this during pregnancy, menopause, or when you start taking birth control pills.

If you’ve noticed any of these symptoms lately – or if you just feel “off” – it may be a hormone imbalance. But there is help available! Contact Campbell Foundational Health for complete lab work evaluation to determine any potential hormone deficiencies/imbalances. Call 919-308-9701 today.

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Campbell Foundational Health
Steven Campbell
6809 Main Street
Unit #918
Cincinnati, OH 45244

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